What should a first aid station contain?

St. John Ambulance is Canada’s leading authority in first aid and the preferred choice of employers for employee first aid training*. We receive many questions from employers looking to comply with Ontario First Aid Regulation 1101. Over the next few weeks, we will publish the answers to some of the questions that are asked most often. If you have any questions you would like us to respond to please send them to: [email protected].
*Innovative Research Study, August 2011

First Aid Station shall contain:

    First aid box containing the items required

  • A notice board displaying
  • – Board’s poster known as Form 82 (In Case of Injury at Work)
    – Valid certificates of qualification of the trained workers on duty and,
    – An inspection card with spaces for recording the date of the most recent inspection of the first aid box and the signature of the person making the inspection.

  • First Aid Station shall be in charge of a worker who works in the immediate vicinity of the first aid station and who is qualified in first aid by the standards required in the regulation
  • First Aid station shall be so located as to be easily accessible for the prompt treatment of any worker at all times when work is in progress
  • First Aid boxes must be inspected no less than quarterly and mark the inspection card for each box with the date and the signature of the person making the inspection
  • Every employer shall keep a record of all circumstances respecting an accident as described by the injured worker, the date and time of its occurrence, the names of witnesses, the nature and exact location of the injuries to the worker and the date, time and nature of each first aid treatment given.

Workplaces with 1 to 5 employees in any one shift:

• Employer must provide and maintain a first aid station with a first aid box (St. John Ambulance – Ontario #1 Kit) containing at minimum:
– Current edition of St. John Ambulance First Aid Manual
– 1 card of safety pins; and dressings consisting of:
• 12 adhesive dressings, individually wrapped
• 4 sterile gauze pads, 3” square
• 2 rolls of gauze bandage, 2” wide
• 2 field dressings, 4” square or 2-4” sterile bandage compresses
• 1 triangular bandage

The employer shall ensure that the first aid station is at all times in the charge of a worker who,

(A) Is the holder of a valid St. John Ambulance Emergency First Aid Certificate or its equivalent; and
(B) Works in the immediate vicinity of the box

Workplaces with 6 to 15 employees in any one shift:

• Employer shall provide and maintain a first aid station with a first aid box (St. John Ambulance Ontario #2 kit) containing as a minimum:
– A current edition of a St. John Ambulance First Aid Manual
– 1 card of safety pins; and dressings consisting of:
• 24 adhesive dressings, individually wrapped
• 12 sterile gauze pads, 3” square
• 4 rolls of gauze bandage, 2” wide
• 4 sterile surgical pads, individually wrapped
• 6 triangular bandages
• 2 rolls of splint padding and 1 roll up splint

The employer shall ensure that the first aid station is at all times in the charge of a worker who,
(A) Is the holder of a valid St. John Ambulance Standard First Aid Certificate or its equivalent; and
(B) Works in the immediate vicinity of the box

Workplaces with 16 to 200 employees in any one shift:

• Employer shall maintain a first aid station with a first aid box (St. John Ambulance – Ontario #3 Kit) that contains at minimum the items below as well as a stretcher and two blankets.
– A current edition of a St. John Ambulance First Aid Manual
– 24 safety pins
– 1 basin, preferably stainless steel; and dressings consisting of:
. 48 adhesive dressings, individually wrapped
. 2 rolls of adhesive tape, 1 inch wide
. 12 rolls of 1-inch gauze bandage,
. 48 sterile gauze pads, 3” square
. 8 rolls of gauze bandage, 2” wide
. 8 rolls of gauze bandage, 4” wide
. 6 sterile surgical pads, individually wrapped
. 12 triangular bandages
. Splints of assorted sizes
. 2 rolls of splint padding

The employer shall ensure that the first aid station is at all times in the charge of a worker who,
(A) Is the holder of a valid St. John Ambulance Standard First Aid Certificate or its equivalent; and
(B) Works in the immediate vicinity of the box

Workplaces with more than 200 employees in any one shift:

Employer must provide an equipped first aid room. First aid room requirements are more extensive than a first aid station. For the specifics, consult Section 11 of the regulation. The regulation provides a list of minimum standards and your circumstances may require more, especially if you are working with hazardous processes or if 911 access could be delayed due to distance considerations.

Resource documents

WSIB Regulation 1101 First Aid requirements
First Aid Self Assessment