In our experience, the best first aid Instructors have background experience in first aid, healthcare and safety, but more importantly, they understand how to teach adults. I have hired many first aid Instructors who have been fire fighters, police officers, doctors, nurses and paramedics, but my most successful Instructors have always been adult educators. Adult educators do not try to put too much information into the first aid course, they don’t bring in too many “field stories” that have little relevance to the average first aider, and they know how to teach in terms the client will understand.
The term, In-Plant Instructor, refers to a company employee who has been trained and certified to provide first aid training to their company’s employees. Many larger companies choose this option for convenience and economy. A company who has an employee, who already does training for them in other areas, may want to consider adding First Aid certification to their portfolio of courses they teach.
In the words of an In-Plant client…….
At VWR International, employee health and safety are paramount to our operation.
The ability to maintain a safe working environment while maintaining budgetary demands is a perfect combination of associate and fiscal responsibility. Having an In-Plant St John Ambulance Instructor has allowed VWR to do just that.
The In-Plant Instructor also works with our JHSC to ensure that all First Aid kits, First Aid rooms and our Automatic External Defibrillator are maintained, functional and in readiness should they be required.
Training in Standard First Aid, CPR and AED at a greatly reduced price, on a schedule that meets the demand of our operation has allowed us to not only meet WSIB requirements, but to surpass them, ensuring a healthy and safe workplace.
Al Blundell
Logistics Manager- Canada
VWR International
Benefits of In-Plant Training
First Aid, CPR and AED classes can be arranged at the convenience of the company and its employees. The times of the course, numbers in the class and the dates are entirely at your convenience and not subject to the restrictions of hiring outside independent contractors. Training is easily customized to the company’s particular requirements and hazards.
First aid instruction can be provided to all employees in the company, increasing employee safety both at work and at home. Certification fees only apply to those that you are required to have certificates issued for.
Studies show that people trained in first aid have fewer injuries. Companies can benefit from the cost savings realized by having less employee down time due to injury.
First Aid training can be easily incorporated into new employee orientation programs.
Re-certifications are quick and easy to arrange, reducing the chance of overlooking employee certificate expiry dates.
Your Instructor can organize regular refresher workshops or lunch and learn sessions to keep employee knowledge and skills sharp. No fees apply for non-certificate training.
Your St. John Ambulance certified Instructor will be trained on the latest adult education techniques during their Instructor certification course. These skills are directly transferrable to other employee training programs.
Preferred client pricing on workplace first aid kits, supplies and AEDs.
Free first aid comprehensive assessments to help you meet your regulatory requirements.
Annual reports on employee certifications.
St. John Ambulance will be your partner in first aid, and will provide continuing education to your Instructor to ensure their skills are current.